Sunday, July 16, 2017

Kinetic Gem Favorit di Dota 2

Kinetic Gem Favorit di Dota 2, Kinetic Gem Logo

Haii, apa kabar wan kawan semuaa? :v. Pada postingan sebelumnya, ane udah ngebahas tentang Ethereal Gem di Dota 2.
Pada postingan kali ini, ane bahas tentang Kinetic Gem di Dota 2 gan degan ..

Seperti yang ane jelasin sebelumnya, Kinetic Gem dipasang agar memberikan suatu Animasi atau Efek terhadap suatu hero tersebut

Yoo langsung saja, dibawah ini Kinetic Gem yang sering dipakai oleh para player Dota 2 :

1. Juggernaut icon.png Juggernaut

Pada hero Juggernaut sendiri ada 4 macam Kinetic Gem yang ada, yaitu :
Gem Customizations Default On
Kinetic: Fireborn Assault Loadout animation
Fireborn Odachi
Fireborn Odachi
Autoattack animations (2)
Running animation
Blade Dance icon.png Blade Dance animation
Additional Taunt
Kinetic: Bladekeeper's Blade Dance Blade Dance icon.png Blade Dance effect
Sigil Mask of the Bladekeeper
Sigil Mask of the Bladekeeper
Kinetic: Bladekeeper's Bladefury Blade Fury icon.png Blade Fury effect
Blackened Edge of the Bladekeeper
Blackened Edge of the Bladekeeper
Kinetic: Bladekeeper's Omnislash Omnislash icon.png Omnislash effect

2. Kunkka icon.png Kunkka

Pada Hero Kunkka, ada 4 macam yaitu: 
Gem Customizations Default On
Kinetic: Bladebiter's Strike Loadout animation
Kinetic: Mark of the Divine Anchor X Marks the Spot icon.png X Marks the Spot effect
Boots of the Divine Anchor
Boots of the Divine Anchor
Kinetic: Torrent of the Divine Anchor Torrent icon.png Torrent effect
Medallion of the Divine Anchor
Medallion of the Divine Anchor
Kinetic: Tidebringer of the Divine Anchor Tidebringer icon.png Tidebringer effect
Cyclone Wave Smasher of the Divine Anchor
Cyclone Wave Smasher of the Divine Anchor

3. Pudge icon.png Pudge

Untuk hero Pudge, ada 2 macam Kinetic yaitu:
Gem Customizations Default On
Kinetic: Crow's Feet Spawn animation
Pauldron Perch
Pauldron Perch
Victory animation
Meat Hook icon.png Meat Hook animation
Idle animation
Idle rare animation
Loadout animation
Town Portal Scroll icon.png Boots of Travel 1 icon.png Teleport animation
Kinetic: Trapper's Treachery Spawn animation
Compendium Bone Crusher of the Trapper
Compendium Bone Crusher of the Trapper
Town Portal Scroll icon.png Boots of Travel 1 icon.png Teleport End animation
Meat Hook icon.png Meat Hook animation
Run animation
Autoattack animations (2)
Victory animation

4. Sniper icon.png Sniper

Gem Customizations Default On
Kinetic: Muh Keen Gun Loadout Animation
Muh Keen Gun
Muh Keen Gun
Idle animation
Portrait animation
Attack animation
Death animation
Flail animation

6. Tinker icon.png Tinker

Gem Customizations Default On
Kinetic: Booties of Travel! Town Portal Scroll icon.png Boots of Travel 1 icon.png Teleport animation
Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III
Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III

Yaaa, cukup itu aja yaa untuk postingan kali ini. Kalo disebutin semua bakal gak cukup ntar :v lol.

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Kinetic Gem Favorit di Dota 2
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7/17/17, 12:12 AM delete

pingin jugg, mahal tapi :V

7/17/17, 12:15 AM delete

pingin jugg, tapi mahal :'v

7/18/17, 9:33 AM delete

Bagus gan. Tapi ane gak maen dota. Tapi coc

7/19/17, 5:03 AM delete

kapan kita main bareng

7/19/17, 7:28 PM delete

wew ngeri.. jdi pengen nyoba gan...


Stop Blaming, Start Loving 💋